01709 582434

The two main considerations when planning how to structure your Will are;

  1. Inheritance Tax planning
  2. Care Home fee avoidance planning

There are strategic choices to be made which may include lifetime gifts, splitting the ownership of your house and leaving a life interest to your spouse/partner, changing the nature of your investments, leaving legacies to appropriate persons, making sure the grandchildren are looked after etc.

If you would like to discuss a potential matter or would like any further information then please contact one of our team using the details shown on this page.

Probate and Estate Administration

There are generally three stages to dealing with a probate application;

  1. Collecting all relevant information from banks/investment companies to discover the extent of the deceased person’s assets and liabilities
  2. Using that information to fill in the probate application documents for submission to the Probate Registry, so that they can grant Probate to enable to estate to be wound up i.e. the bank accounts closed, any property sold etc
  3. Sending the Grant of Probate to the banks etc to request that all accounts be closed, before distributing the funds in accordance with the Will / the rules of Intestacy (where there is no Will).

We offer a full estate administration service on an hourly charging basis. Our firm does not charge a percentage of the estate for dealing with the administration, unlike many banks and other solicitors.
If you would like to discuss a potential matter or would like any further information then please contact one of our team.


Neil Priestley - npriestley@hattersleys.co.uk - view profile





1 Hope Street,
South Yorkshire,
S64 9HR

Please note our office is open 9-5 Mon - Fri but we are closed 1-1.30pm for lunch.


01709 584129


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Last Updated: 5 March 2025
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